June 14, 2012

New Territory!

     Hello Kidmins! It has been a very fun but challenging month for me. Our kidmin team at our church (Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene) decided to write our own VBS curriculum this year! After a couple months of meetings and brainstorming, we finally buckled down and started putting it all together - decorating, forms, lesson plans - the whole kit and caboodle. All of us at Rock, Paper, Scissors were thrilled to work on this project and expand our creativity and pick up some new skills. Writing curriculum is something that we have never done before. Most of us tweak our curricula to suit our kids or teaching styles, but writing your own from scratch is a much more daunting task. I've learned so much this past month. I'll be praying about it and putting together a series of posts about what I've learned about writing curricula, so if you've ever wondered whether writing your own curriculum is right for you, check back often. If you have any comments or questions, shoot us an e-mail. I look forward to sharing with you all!